Ultimate Pilot Scholarship List! Links to Scholarships for Flight Training

Info & Lists of Scholarship Opportunities

Part Time Pilot provides scholarships for Student Pilots! We give out 4 scholarships a year. One in the winter, spring, summer and fall. And in the spring. Read more below or scroll down to view lists of more scholarship opportunities from around the US.

4 Yearly Scholarships

Want to be kept up to date on when the scholarship applications will open and close? Sign up to our newsletter below:

We give out a $1000 scholarship 3 times a year funded by none other than Part Time Pilot. Once in the summer, once in the fall and once in the winter. And now, each spring, we are going to donate $1000 to a crowd-sourced Go-Fund me fund to try and make the biggest student pilot scholarship in the United States!

Sponsors for our Spring Scholarship!

For our spring GoFundMe scholarship we have started to accept sponsorships! In exchange for a sponsorship, an aviation company, organization, website, social media influencer will get promoted on Part Time Pilot’s website, podcast, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and/or TikTok. If you would like to be a sponsor, please email us at team@parttimepilot.com

We GREATLY appreciate all our awesome sponsors. These include:


Master Radio Comms with in just minutes a day. Practice talking to ATC outside of the cockpit with ARSim Aviation Radio Simulator by PlaneEnglish. ARSim uses a conversational learning approach to simulate radio communications in all phases of VFR and IFR flight. Download ARSim today here and use code PARTTIME10 to get 10% off lessons & learn the comms skills necessary for a lifetime of safe and enjoyable flying.

Kore Aviation

Kore Aviation is a family business with over 30 years of experience in aviation and communications equipment manufacturing. They launched a series of headsets with a simple belief that all pilots and passengers alike should have access to their own quality headsets at affordable prices.

If I were to tell you that you could get a $200 aviation headset you would probably assume that it lacks reliability and quality. But neither is the case with Kore! And that is why I have been promoting them for years now. I still have my first pair of Kore headsets that I bought over 8 years ago. Still work like a charm!

*Get 15% off using coupon code PARTTIMEPILOT

Scholarships for student pilots and scholarship opportunities for flight training

Fly Like a Local

The ultimate mobile app for general aviation in the USA. They provide all the tools pilots need to access vital information and connect with the local aviation community.

You can download the Fly Local App on your phone or find out more information at flylikealocal.com

Katana Aviation Foundation

A 501(c)3 non-profit founded by a pilot to give back to the aviation community. They have no paid employees, so they are able to use your tax deductible donations to the fullest.

They offer a range of aviation scholarships throughout the year. Scholarships can be used for things such as fixed wing and rotor wing training, ground schools, FAR exams, pilot supplies, A&P School, etc.. Find them on Instagram at Katana_Aviation_Foundation or their website www.katanaaviationfoundation.org/

Ultimate Pilot Scholarship List! Links to Scholarships for Flight Training

The Part Time Pilot $1000 Scholarship

  • Who is eligible?

Unlike the yearly crowd-source scholarship the $1000 scholarships are only available to any student pilot that has ever enrolled in our Online Ground School IF they simply fill out the short application available to them inside their membership.

  • When is the scholarship given?

The scholarship is not given on a specific schedule. When the scholarship fund reaches $1000 we then select a winner within a couple weeks and give it out as a scholarship. Use the top of this page to know how full the scholarship fund is and when to expect the next scholarship.

  • Who pays for the scholarship?

We do! For every student that signs up for our Online Ground School we donate $20 to the scholarship fund. This is just another way Part Time Pilot is trying to change the pilot training community by showing up for you, the student. We also use donations from our GoFundMe to fill the fund when those donations come in from our awesome, generous supporters.

  • What is the application like?

The application is available on student’s membership page inside their Online Ground School memberships. The application is rather short. There are basic questions like name, age and city. There area few long form questions where we give you a chance to explain why you need the scholarship, what got you into flying and more. There are also a few fun questions about your favorite TV shows, music and hobbies.

“HUGE MAHALO NUI LOA to Nick for gracing me as Part Time Pilot’s first ever scholarship recipient! Planes have wings and so do angels, but Nick has the greatest wings of em all! For taking us all under his wings, helping us develop our own, and ensuring we all soar! Flying has always been a dream of mine since childhood but never once did I think it was every tangible. However, when COVID grounded all my plans and aspirations last year, I decided to go all in on chasing the very thing that makes me truly happy; flying. With having just completed my solo, currently working on cross-country, and my checkride creeping around the corner, the timing couldn’t be more perfect. I even contemplated selling my car and motorcycle simply to keep this dream alive. Being able to afford flight school is easily the biggest hurdle for any student and thus I am grateful for the support. Additionally, I now feel that much more inclined to make Nick and all of those who contributed to this scholarship proud. A commonly known Hawaiian prover is “kulia i ka nu’u” , which translates to “strive for the highest” and that is exactly when I intend to do.”


-Ismael Salameh, former Part Time Pilot student and now Private Pilot

Ultimate Pilot Scholarship List! Links to Scholarships for Flight Training

More will be added! If you know of one we missed let us know by sending an email to team@parttimepilot.com

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