Imagine knowing the answers to the first half of your FAA Written Exam.
Then, imagine being able to take those answers with you to the test.
Now… What if I told you that you could do this on your FAA Practical Checkride?
It’s true. You can come prepared with the answers to the first 1-3 hours of your Checkride. You see…
Some Checkrides can last over 6 or 7 hours. While others can take only 4 hours.
Wouldn’t it be nice to only be under the stress of a FAA Practical Checkride for 4 hours instead of 7?
To make this a reality, you just need to prepare yourself completely for Verifying your Qualifications and the first part of the Oral Exam…
Students who do this pass at a 99% rate because acing these parts of your Checkride is the BEST way to succeed on the Practical Flight exam.
When student pilots are NOT prepared for the 1st two phases they dig themselves in a hole and end up failing… Costing them their certificate and the cost of the checkride ($500 to $1000)
So if you…
Are like most students preparing for a checkride… chances are you’re wondering “Do I even have what it takes to become a pilot? Am I prepared?”
If this is you. You are in luck.
The Part Time Pilot Checkride Prep will tell you EXACTLY how to prepare to not only make the first 1-2 hours a breeze… but for the whole entire Checkride.
The program is just $79.99 for lifetime access & full money-back guarantee.
That’s right… if your through our course and don’t pass for some reason, we will give you your money back.
The moral of the story is that if you want to be a part of the 1% or less of people that succeed in becoming a pilot you must be prepared
The Part Time Pilot Private Pilot Checkride Prep helps you avoid the stress and gives you that boost of preparation and confidence you need to pass your checkride
How does Part Time Pilot do this?
To sum it up, we…
All this is included so that you can: