The number 1 way to ensure your success in becoming a pilot is by properly managing your time and money.

And the easiest way to properly manage your time & money is by doing ground school before it’s too late and ACTUALLY understanding the material


5 years ago I saw NO ONE mentoring unsuspecting students on the traps in flight training that was costing them $1000s.

This is why I created the Part Time Pilot Online Ground School.

The ground school was created with these ideas at the heart of our mission statement:

  • Mentoring students from start to finish
  • Providing content that saves time & money & provides a deep understanding

How does Part Time Pilot compare to other Online Ground Schools?

I went to the website of each of the Top 10 Online Ground Schools and gathered ALL the relevant info a student pilot like you needs to make an informed decision. 

Things like cost, student ratings, lifetime access or not, types of lessons, bonuses included, scholarships included, support available and more.

Then, I lined them all up and compared them all in a single table so that student pilots could make the best, most informed decision on their training. 

Click here to watch the video

FAR/AIM: How to Navigate what you Need for Private Pilot

Coming Soon…

Ultimate Step by Step Guide to Becoming an Airline Pilot. private pilot commercial pilot ifr

This post is coming soon…

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