Using AI to Make Training Easier & More Effective

“Hello. Beep Boop Bop. I am your Beep AI Flight Instructor Boop here to take over the world… errr I mean answer your flight training questions”

Okay. All jokes aside, AI tools are super helpful and powerful IF YOU KNOW HOW TO USE them!

Part Time Pilot currently has implemented the following AI tools that can be used by our users 24/7:

#1. Aviation Medical Exam Assistant

  • This is not an Aviation Medical Examiner or the FAA. But it might be the next best thing.
  • Before starting your flight training and spending all that money it’s a good idea to see if you are medically qualified to get the required aviation medical certificate. However, if you get a deferral or a denial from the FAA on your medical exam it can take MONTHS to YEARS until you get a response from the FAA.
  • That is why it is soooo important to understand what you are getting into and if you have any conditions you may need to tidy up or take care of BEFORE you take your medical exam. That is what this chatbot is for.
  • This chatbot is trained on the Aviation Medical Exam process, FAA Medical Certificates and guidelines laid out for AMEs by the FAA.

Use Aviation Medical Exam Assistant chatbot for FREE here:

#2. Private Pilot Instructor Assistant

  • This chatbot is not a certified flight or ground instructor. But it might just be the next best thing.
  • Not only is it trained on all required Private Pilot FAA knowledge but it is trained to answer using the key phrases, concepts and words the FAA looks for on their exams! It also can provide you with information on Part Time Pilot and the Part Time Pilot services.

This AI Chat has been trained over 100s of ours and is ONLY available to members of the Part Time Pilot Online Ground School

Please, watch the video demonstration below and read the instructions as well as our terms and conditions before using any of Part Time Pilot trained AI chatbots by Open AI. By using these chatbots you have agreed to our terms and conditions. Part Time Pilot is not responsible for any of the information from this chatbot or any actions taken as a result of this information and all users should consult and verify with an FAA or medical expert before using the information. No deals or agreements can be made with this chatbot.