FAA Certified Instructor

Part Time Pilot's Instructor, Nick, is a certified Private Pilot & Ground Instructor. Nick has both a Bachelor's and a Master's in Aerospace Engineering as well as over 11+ years experience in the aerospace industry including jobs as a propulsion engineer, fuels analysis engineer and flight test engineer. In 2 years with Part Time Pilot Nick has endorsed over 1500 students for the FAA Private Pilot & IFR Written with only 2 failures. That is a success rate of 99.9%

FAA Instructor will be your private pilot license mentor in the Best Private Pilot Online Ground School

Nick Smith (Nick Bryant)

Part Time Pilot Instructor

About Part Time Pilot

  • What is Part Time Pilot about?

Part Time Pilot provides online pilot courses to help student pilots save time and money. This includes our Private Pilot Online Ground School. Part Time Pilot is about helping people realize their dreams of becoming a pilot! Th, Private Pilot Checkride Prep and now our IFR Online Ground School! That means helping students with endless amounts of free and useful training materials as well as teaching them the ins and outs of saving time and money.

Missing lessons, repeating lessons and failing written and practical tests can be very costly to a student pilot. It took me 4 years to get my Private Pilot's License but it wasn't because I didn't work or study hard. Several interruptions to my training put a major stress on my time and money. I want to help others avoid similar obstacles. That's why I created Part Time Pilot. Repeating lessons and tests can cost you $1000's.

Who made the Pilot Courses & are they FAA Certified?

The courses were made by Part Time Pilot Instructor Nick Smith (aka Nick Bryant). Nick has a Private Pilot Certificate (License) & a Basic + Instrument Ground Instructor Certificate which gives him the privileges of Endorsing student for a Private Pilot, Recreational Pilot, Sport Pilot or IFR pilot FAA Knowledge (Written) Exam as well as providing ground instruction for flight reviews and checkrides! Nick has both a Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering and 11+ years experience in the Aerospace Industry. Part Time Pilot courses stand out amongst other online pilot courses because they offer lifetime access, a 100% money-back guarantee, example PDFs/Videos/eBooks, Quizzes, Animations, Audio Lessons, FAA Practice Tests, Recorded Live Lessons, Study Guide/Flash Cards, 7-day/week email support, trained AI chat assistant on every lesson, the ability to learn on Your Own Schedule, Exclusive Community Forum Access, the Ultimate Private Pilot Test Prep book, Wings Credits and more.

  • Can you get an endorsement to take the FAA Knowledge exam (Written Test)?

Yes! As a certified Ground Instructor, Nick is able to issue endorsements for FAA Private Pilot, Recreational Pilot, Sport Pilot and IFR Pilot Written Exams as well as provide ground instruction for flight reviews and checkrides.

  • How does Part Time Pilot save you money?

First off, Part Time Pilot just as an Online Ground School will save you money with its low price in comparison to in-person instruction and its flexibility.

Secondly, the BONUS course "How to Become a Private Pilot & Save Money" gives student pilots the guide they've always needed. With step by step directions on exactly what to do and how to plan your trainings, this course helps student pilot avoids those "rookie mistakes" that cost them so much money. The course also has tips on finding the right flight school and instructor for you AND lists of scholarships from around the US that they can apply to.

Third, Part Time Pilot literally gives out money! Unlike any other Online Ground School out there, Part Time Pilot gives out four scholarships a year. Three of the scholarships are $1000 scholarships exclusive to a member of the Part Time Pilot ground school. One scholarship is combination of a $1000 donation by Part Time Pilot and a Part Time Pilot community GoFundMe.

Fourthly (is that a word?), Part Time Pilot makes training efficient, effective and convenient. Part Time Pilot uses 3 different formats to deliver its lessons; Written word & Image, Video and Audio. You can read the lesson, watch the lesson and then listen to the lesson on your drive to work.

Lastly but certainly not least, the 99.8% success rate that Part Time Pilot attributes to its proprietary study and reporting method that is included in the lessons and in the BONUS course "The 5-Step Study Hack" ensures that you the student pilot only take your exams one time. That means not repeating expensive flight lessons and expensive FAA exams.

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